April 22, 2022 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.


The latest Digital Hub update continues to improve the accessibility of Hub-produced e-books to conform to accessibility standards and the expectations of various publishing platforms. The following markup will be automatically applied to correctly composed ePub 3 files.

  • Paragraphs composed as sec will have the aria-hidden attribute set in order to prevent assistive technologies from reading decorative punctuation marks aloud.
  • Various text styles associated with figures (e.g., figh, figh1, figcap) will now be grouped in figcaption blocks. To take full advantage of this, adjacent figures must be separated in the manuscript using figure structure indicators to group the fig paragraph with all the caption paragraphs.
  • Additional chapters will be added to the list of landmarks when present. This includes the Preface, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Glossary, Bibliography, List of Images, and List of Tables chapters.