February 27, 2017 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.


Digital Hub Updates

Improved Cover Image Handling

  • Markup for the cover will not be added to ScML. If a user converts an older ScML file with the cover markup, it will still work.
  • If a cover image is present and marked in the Hub, the cover will automatically be added to e-book output.
  • The file checks will not report missing cover markup in ScML files.

Enhanced HTML Tagging for E-book and HTML Output

ScML to HTML tag conversions have been updated to produce better, more correct HTML for certain elements. Correctly tagged HTML is more accessible for screen readers and other assistive technology.

ScML Element HTML Element
<blockquote> <blockquote>
<figure> <figure class="figure">*
<sidebar> <aside class="sidebar">*
<box> <aside class="box">*
<fterm> <i class="fterm">
<tnw> <i class="tnw">

* These elements will remain <div> in ePub2 output. That version of the ePub specification does not support HTML5 tags, including "figure" and "aside."

The default CSS has been updated to reflect the changes and maintains compatibility for both ePub2 and ePub3 variants. Users who maintain their own CSS may want to contact their WFDW support contact for advice on incorporating the changes.

File Statistics Element List Sorting

The list of ScML element list in the file statistics panel can now be sorted by both element name and element count.