Featured Project
Accessibility First
Scribe designs books from the ground up to be fully inclusive and accessible. Our editorial, indexing, design, and typesetting services specialize in producing publications that meet all accessibility standards for visual or print impairments and conform with assistive technologies. We conceptualize, edit, and design each book based on its intended audience and subject matter. And all our books are publishable in any format, now and in the future. It’s time to rethink the way you create books.
Well-Formed Document Workflow
Scribe’s Well-Formed Document Workflow (WFDW) is the industry’s best XML workflow, empowering subscribers with the ideal tools, practices, and processes to produce both print and electronic publications. A WFDW subscription includes full training and implementation according to the needs of your organization.
Bible Services
Scribe leads the industry in unparalleled Bible copyediting and proofreading, reference checking, design and typesetting, integrity checks, database development and management, quality control checks, and ebook and digital development. Our Bible editing and proofreading services enhance clarity and eliminate errors, and our typesetting and design produce Bibles that aesthetically match publishers’ styles and can easily be converted into the next stage of development. Scribe’s comprehensive integrity checks ensure that the text remains faithful to its translation and that no variations were introduced. Moreover, we specialize in the production of accessible Bibles, guaranteeing inclusivity and ease of use for diverse audiences. Additionally, Scribe produces Bibles in English, Spanish, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. By entrusting your project to Scribe, you can be assured that your Bibles will be error-free and accessible in both print and electronic formats.
Mission-Driven Publishing
As a mission-driven publisher, your focus is on spreading ideas, serving a larger purpose, and aligning with a set of principles. This commitment requires creating universally accessible publications and ensuring they reach your readers regardless of format or location—and in a fiscally responsible way. At Scribe, our entire range of services—including editorial, design, typesetting, and production—is dedicated to helping you achieve these goals. Our mission is to curate publications to match your audience and help you speak to (and expand) your readership. We specialize in all levels of publishing so you can turn your full focus on your message—and your mission.