Convert with Ease
The WFDW simplifies the transition from one publishing stage to another and automates many of the tasks performed by editors and typesetters. The result is a seamless, highly efficient production process. Whether for print or electronic or round-tripping changes for new editions, a single tool—Scribe’s Digital Hub—is used for all conversions, no matter the order.
Control Your Content
By utilizing the WFDW, you have the flexibility of jumping to any stage in the production process with ease so you can maintain control, cut costs, speed production time, and retain an archive of your publications.
Automatically Create PDF or InDesign Files
Once a manuscript is composed in Scribe styles, the WFDW can be used to produce a print-ready PDF or an IDTT file that will automatically flow into InDesign. Whichever process you use, you can create custom designs and additional outputs, all to the highest industry standards.
Improve Typesetting and Ebook Development
The WFDW improves your process at every stage. Replacing standard procedures of pulling content into InDesign, our method employs robust IDTT that simplifies and speeds up typesetting. Fully accessible and navigable ebooks, featuring automatic linking (tables of contents, notes, and indexes), become a natural outgrowth of print book development.