Updates to the Well-Formed Document Workflow

Latest Releases

Digital Hub Updates

ePub Rezipper

Our online tool will rezip an ePub that you created through the Digital Hub and modified locally.

Improved Accessibility and E-book Features

Short Descriptions for Images

The Hub now provides an interface to include short descriptions for images that will be applied as alt text in HTML/ePub outputs.

  • Alt text added in the Hub is limited to 150 characters and cannot contain HTML/XML control characters (<>, &, ”, ’).
  • This alt text will only be applied to

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February 2017 Update

By Scribe Inc.

New Digital Hub

The new Digital Hub is now live on scribenet.com. Additionally, Scribe Tools for InDesign have been updated with new features.

The new Digital Hub includes the following:

  • Added organization features for shared files and settings
  • Streamlined project creation and metadata interface
  • Improved project pages
  • Simplified image processing
  • Behind-the-scenes updates for better file handling and faster conversions

For a complete list of Digital Hub features, including information

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New Year's WFDW Update

By Scribe Inc.

Happy New Year from Scribe!

We are thrilled to announce a brand new Digital Hub, coming in February. Since the Digital Hub’s creation in 2013, we have continuously analyzed the ways in which it has been used and listened to the feedback provided by WFDW subscribers. With this in mind, we’ve developed features that result in the best possible output while creating a smooth and intuitive user experience. The new Digital Hub delivers the best interface yet, providing clear options to perform each action

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