May 2, 2017 Digital Hub and Update

By Scribe Inc.


Digital Hub Updates

ePub Rezipper

Our online tool will rezip an ePub that you created through the Digital Hub and modified locally.

Improved Accessibility and E-book Features

Short Descriptions for Images

The Hub now provides an interface to include short descriptions for images that will be applied as alt text in HTML/ePub outputs.

  • Alt text added in the Hub is limited to 150 characters and cannot contain HTML/XML control characters (<>, &, ”, ’).
  • This alt text will only be applied to image elements in HTML output (pure HTML or ePub). If there is existing alt text for an image element in ScML, that existing alt text is left in place in the HTML. Otherwise, the alt text entered in the Hub is applied. If there is no alt text provided, an empty alt attribute is applied. This is required for validation in ePub3.

Enhanced HTML Tagging

Enhanced HTML tagging for HTML/ePub for certain elements (blockquote, figure, sidebar, box, fterm, and tnw) has been implemented to better meet accessibility standards.

See the announcement from February 27, 2017.

Automatic Cover Image Placement

The Hub will also automatically place an image identified as the cover into e-books, without a requirement that the cover image be specified in the ScML file.

See the announcement from February 27, 2017.

Additional Metadata Options

  • “Illustrator” and “Designer” are available as creator roles in addition to “Author,” “Editor,” and “Translator.”

  • The Hub now offers the three ISBN types as separate fields (print, ePub, and MOBI). In the "Project Information" section, the ISBN list also includes an information button describing how the Hub uses ISBNs for e-book output.

Improved File Stats and Error Reporting

  • The Hub’s stats reporting will now list line numbers and can sort data in multiple ways.
  • It will display “pass/fail” reports on XML files exported from InDesign, providing an early warning if that file is not ready to be converted.

Simultaneous Conversion Prevention

  • Users are warned and prevented from running multiple simultaneous conversions in a project record.

Scribe Site Updates (

Page Layout and Navigation

  • Menus and navigation have been adjusted to remove clutter. A new header button layout on the Project and Organization pages allows for easier navigation between pages.

  • New Digital Hub landing page, including the new header button layout

Scribe Downloads

The downloads page includes a copy of the default e-book CSS. The DTD download includes the sam DTD in addition to the ScML DTD.