Scribe’s Well-Formed Document Workflow (WFDW) is a combination of workflow and technology that allows publishers to move from manuscript to print or electronic book with ease.
Supporting the WFDW, includes resource pages about Scribe’s tools, specific procedures and checklists, Scribe’s standards, and key concepts encountered in the workflow.
Pages are listed in the side menu and can be organized by the tools being employed or by the process being followed. Users have the flexibility to choose the menu most suited to their needs.
Users can search our documentation using the search bar at the top-right of the page. Additionally, an index of all documentation is included at the end of this page in alphabetical order.
How It Works
Files can enter the WFDW at any point. Even if a project began outside of the workflow, the first step is to make the file compliant with the standards for WFDW files, whether it is a Word document, InDesign file, InDesign Tagged Text (IDTT), ScML, or sam. Scribe’s processes can accommodate starting at any point in the publishing chain.
For a full-service project, subscribers use the Scribe Add-In (SAI), a Word-based tool set that helps in the scribing and copyediting processes, to impose structure on a book in manuscript form. Once structure is imposed, copyediting and author review begin. When the manuscript is finalized, it is uploaded to Scribe’s Digital Hub to process into IDTT. Typesetting is done in InDesign, and the book then goes through review and proofing. When a book is ready to print, the typesetter distills a PDF for the printer. Next, the content is exported, re-uploaded into the Digital Hub, and processed to an archival XML file (.scml). The Digital Hub uses this file to produce the ebooks (ePub and Mobi). Alternatively, e-first, or e-only, books can be created without the typesetting stage by converting the Word document directly to .scml and ebook formats.
No matter how you work, the WFDW assures that you:
- Can use an XML-first workflow without having to learn additional programs; only a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign is required;
- Always have the latest version of the book and only need to enter alterations once;
- Can derive XML at any stage of the process;
- Can generate any output at any stage of the process.
Scribe Add-In (SAI)
The Scribe Add-In is a set of tools that allows you to scribe (properly structure documents) and clean up manuscripts within Word.
The SAI automates many of the routines in the preparation and copyediting of manuscripts. It allows you to associate the styles that authors use with the structure necessary in the WFDW and helps you to eliminate many of the formatting problems often found in author submissions. The SAI assists with the editorial process and facilitates internal communication through a comment system.
Digital Hub
The technological heart of the Well-Formed Document Workflow (WFDW) is the Digital Hub. The Digital Hub is set up to ensure that the working document is always the point document for other editions and that you can publish in any order. Thus, users can create a print edition first, an ebook version first, or both products simultaneously without ever losing corrections and alterations. This is accomplished by imposing structure on a document (“scribing” the file) at the earliest possible stage. Once the document is scribed, it can be processed through the Digital Hub from one format to another.
The Digital Hub is divided into several transformation modules that take advantage of the WFDW’s capability to publish in any order. The Digital Hub features several modules all based on Scribe Markup Language (ScML). Conversion options include processing Word documents to IDTT or .scml; converting InDesign XML to Scribe Abbreviated Markup (.sam); converting .scml to ePub and Mobi; and round-tripping .sam or .scml back to Word .docx. Breaking up the tasks this way enables WFDW users to overcome the technical limitations of off-the-shelf software and also allows information to be augmented to make the transformed files easier to use. These modules can be updated whenever new software versions are released or Scribe adds new features to the WFDW.
Scribe Tools for InDesign
Scribe Tools for InDesign are a suite of integrated scripts that make it easier to typeset Well-Formed Document Workflow books and to export adaptable content. The Scribe Tools automate a number of processes to facilitate good typography and add features that would otherwise require manual intervention, all the while maintaining best practices to produce functional files that can be repurposed as templates and from which content can be extracted for other purposes.
Accept Changes QC - Confirm the quality of copyedited files with track changes accepted/rejected
Accessibility Requirements - Add and maintain short description text to a project
Accessibility Styles - ScML styles for ensuring content is accessible to all
Articulation - Automated spacing distinctions in the Digital Hub
Bible Concepts - Instructions and information about key Bible design concepts.
Bible Hyphenation - How to hyphenate names encountered in Bibles
Bible QC - Confirm the quality and specifications for the design and typesetting of a Bible.
Conversion Settings - Output settings that can be enabled or disabled in the Digital Hub
Copyediting Procedure for Freelancers - General Instructions for Freelance Copyeditors
Corrections Format - Method for providing efficient, accurate, and clear typesetting corrections
Deduping - Use the deduping procedure to remove duplicate footnotes in a Bible typeset.
Digital Hub Documentation - The WFDW’s web-based suite of conversion tools
Digital Hub File Alerts - Detailed explanation of the Digital Hub’s automatic checks
Documentation Introduction and Index - Tools and Resources for the WFDW
Editorial Review for Authors - Instructions for how to review edited Word files and page proofs
Embedded Indexing - Index a Book in Microsoft Word and Generate Indexes in InDesign
Export .sam from InDesign - Convert an InDesign project that uses ScML styles to a .sam file
IDTT to sam - Procedure to convert InDesign Tagged Text (IDTT) to Scribe Abbreviated Markup (sam)
Image Processing - Handling Images for Ebooks in the Digital Hub
InDesign GREP Searches - Utilities for applying features and finding errors in typesets
Index Checking - Use the Digital Hub and regular expressions to review indexes
Index Linking - The Digital Hub’s automatic index linking feature
Metadata - Manage metadata when producing Ebooks in the Digital Hub
MS Word Refiner - Digital Hub tool for mapping built-in Microsoft Word features to ScML
References and Prerequisites - Planning and Approaching Scribe Procedures
Regular Expressions Resource - Regular Expressions from Scribe Checklists
SAI Bibliography Tools - Tag and check bibliographic entries and notes.
SAI Find and Replace - Run, save, and share robust Word find and replace routines.
SAI Hyphenated Terms Check - Check and adjust hyphenation of hyphenated terms.
SAI Note Manager - Central hub for handling footnotes and endnotes.
SAI Styles Features - Styles and structure indicators for the SAI
SAI Title Case - Available editorial tools and functions in the SAI
Sample Creation - Use the Sample Generator to facilitate the creation of designs and templates.
Sample Generator - Use the Sample Generator to facilitate the creation of designs and templates.
Scribing non-p Paragraphs Efficiently - Tips for Smart Scribing
Scribing: Refine and Check - Refine and Review Scribing in Word
Scribing: Vet Content for Scribing - Vetting and Planning for Scribing in Word
Short Description Text (Alt Text) - Add and maintain short description text
Short Description Text (Alt Text) QC - Confirm the quality of alt text
Short Description Text (for Authors) - General Instructions for Alt Text Creation
Spellcheck Settings - Preferred default spellcheck settings for MS Word
Structure Indicators in Word - Using structure indicators to group information
Sublime Text Documentation - Download and install Sublime Text, a text editor
Sublime Text Regular Expression Result Counts - Run the Regular Expression Result Counts Packages
Sublime Text Setup - Set up Sublime Text to meet Scribe requirements
Typeset to Ebook - Use Scribe Tools to extract content and transform it to ebook
Typesetting Basics - Maintain WFDW standards when working in InDesign
Typesetting Conventions - Facilitate print layouts while maintaining structured information
Typesetting Standards - Default Standards for Scribe Typesets