
Typeset to Ebook

For a book typeset using the Well-Formed Document Workflow, the process of producing an ebook involves the use of Scribe Tools for Indesign to output XML and the Digital Hub to produce .sam, .scml, and ebook files.


References and prerequisites are listed here.


1. Export Content Using Scribe Tools for InDesign

Typesets That Are WFDW-Compliant

Using Scribe Tools for InDesign, follow the procedure for exporting .sam from InDesign.

Typesets That Are Not WFDW-Compliant

Using Scribe Tools for InDesign, follow the procedure for exporting IDTT from InDesign.

Use the IDTT to sam procedure to convert the IDTT output to a single .sam file.

2. Adjust the .sam File

Use the .sam QC Checklist to confirm content has come through properly and to perform basic clean-ups that will help the file proceed to .scml and .epub formats. If any images should be moved to different locations because static print page limitations are no longer a factor, move the images at this time.

Note: Do not comment-out any content, such as printer information or foreign language text that will be replaced with an image, at this time.

3. Prepare Images

Prepare images to be used in the ebook, including the cover image.

Note: Cover images have different sizing requirements than internal images. Unless otherwise specified, the cover image should be a maximum of 1800 pixels on its largest side (and should never have any side smaller than 500 pixels). The image dimensions should not be in the HTML. A max-height percent should be specified in the CSS to constrain the default display size (this is currently in the default CSS).

4. Metadata, Hub Conversion Settings, and Additional Files

In the Digital Hub, add metadata for required fields, including author name, eISBN, and BISAC subject codes.

Review the conversion settings to enable or disable settings as needed.

Upload any images, custom .css file, and fonts to the Digital Hub, if needed. In the Assets tab, select the image to be used as the cover.

5. Convert .sam to .scml

Process the .sam file to .scml through the Digital Hub.

In comparison with the .sam file, .scml has much more detail, such as IDs, links, and chapter tags. The .scml file is the central document to produce an ePub and to archive the content of a project.

6. Adjust the .scml File

Use the .scml QC Checklist and apply any adjustments, as needed.

Note: If any content needs to be commented out, do so at this time.

7. Process .scml to ePub

Process the .scml file to ePub through the Digital Hub.

8. Adjust the ePub

Use the Ebook QC Checklist and apply any adjustments, as needed.

Review the ePub by checking on different devices to confirm that the images appear correctly, that the .css file properly accommodates each style in use, and that all other aspects are functioning as expected.

If reviewing the file reveals text errors, apply the changes in both the .scml file and the ePub:

  • Option 1: adjust in the .scml file and reprocess to ePub.
  • Option 2: adjust in the .scml file and adjust in the ePub’s HTML files, then rebuild the ePub locally.

If any enhanced features are to be added to the ePub, adjust the ePub at this time.

It is normal and expected to modify an ePub locally for project-specific adjustments after downloading it from the Digital Hub.