
Scribing QC

Check the following to confirm the quality of a scribed Word document:

File Requirements

Track Changes and File Extension

Files must be .docx for use in the Digital Hub.

File Check

File Alerts

If working offline, does File Check from the SAI reveal any errors?

If the Digital Hub lists footnote or endnote mismatch that cannot be found in Word, does running “Clean note markers" from the SAI Cleanup window resolve the issue?

If the Digital Hub lists other warnings that cannot be found in Word, does converting the file to .sam clear out the issue?

File Stats


Leftover Tags

Example: <TX1>


Some comments may be kept if editorial tasks will follow.


There should be none.

Titles and Heads

Best practice: Use title case for titles and heads. Review per individual file requirements.

If a cover image is available, does the text in the file match the text used on the cover?

Check formatting, head level, spelling.

Structure Indicators

Front Matter

An explanation of structure indicators is found here.

Unique Sets

Complex Structures


Check for Non-ScML Styles

Hard Returns

Do not use soft returns to indicate line breaks.


Apply style variations (f, l, s, or o) for spacing as needed.

Use the Digital Hub’s Refiner to apply spacing rules to a crude scribing.

Example: In a table of contents, use tocf for an epilogue or conclusion that should not be included with preceding chapters that belong with Part II or Part III.

Front and Back Matter

Scribe standard is to follow CMS:

Front matter includes: Introduction belonging to fm; List of Abbreviations; Publisher’s, Translator’s, and Editor’s Notes

Body includes: Introduction belonging to main text; Conclusion; Epilogue; Afterword

Back matter includes: Appendixes; Glossary; Bibliography/References



Check Character Styles


Review the stats in the Digital Hub for both .docx and .sam for a list of all characters used in the file.

Example: Characters should not be rendered by legacy fonts. Individual unicode characters should be used.

Example: If a combined equivalent exists, combining unicode characters will be resolved to individual unicode characters when converting to another file type in the Digital Hub, but they should be reviewed in the file to confirm they are not being misused.

Paragraph-Specific Styles

Examples: fighn; dispk; ennum

Figures and Images

Alt Text


Heads and Captions

Tables and Tabs



Example: chapter number [tab] TOC listing [tab] page number.

E-book Check

Text Checks

Convert the .docx to ePub 3 in the Digital Hub. This will produce .sam, .scml, and .epub files.

Note: Some searches will result in false positives.

Note: Errors may be discovered through Hub stats, conversion alerts, and reviews in Kindle Previewer and Ace by Daisy.